Intermediate Camps

Our intermediate camps are for campers who have more experience with tennis than our regular tennis camp.  It is designed as a small group (max of 6) that focuses only on tennis to build on the fundamentals of tennis.  Campers will work on strategy and refining their technique through drills with professional tennis instructors.

Who should sign up: Campers for the intermediate camp need to be able play a full game.  This includes counting points and games as well as serving and keeping a consistent rally going when the ball is hit to them a slower pace.

Ages: A camper of any age can sign up for this camp as we more concerned with ability for those signing up.

Please note that campers may be required to try out to qualify for this camp.

Cost: $200 per week.


Sign up: Click here


3 hours of tennis instruction per day – 1-4pm each day
Maximum of 6 campers

Counsellor: Nicolas Vincent


ETC Camp Refund Policy

If a request for a full refund to withdraw from the Elmdale Tennis Camp is presented more than 7 days prior to the start date of the camp then a full refund will be given.  If less than a week’s notice is given, then each case will be handled individually.  The ETC is committed to providing a 7:1 or lower counsellor/camper ratio.  Consequently, the decision to provide a full refund with less than 7 days notice will depend, in part (there may be other factors), on the cost of the club to engage staff to maintain this ratio on a weekly basis.

The club is committed to actioning refunds as quickly as possible.


There are no refunds because of rain.